Monday, December 15, 2008

Beware Handicapping Scam Artists

Many self-proclaimed "professional" handicappers dupe their clients and readers by distorting their winning percentage. The scam involves having a multitude of different size plays over a number of sports. Many handicappers rate their plays by units, stars, dimes, etc. Their contention is that the stronger plays warrant a higher wager, therefore they assign more units, stars or dimes to their stronger plays. But, the real reason behind all the various wager sizes is as follows:

Let's say a handicapper offers selections in pro and college football and basketball. This represents four sports. Let's say the handicapper offers 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 50 and 100 unit plays in his picks. If you do the math, this handicapper has created 28 different categories, given there are 7 different strength plays over 4 sports. Moreover, if totals are included, there is now 56 categories to monitor. Furthermore, the winning percentages can be broken down by days, weeks or months. There is no end to the various categories that can be created in the quest to project a winning ledger.

Just thinking, what is the difference between a 20 dime and a 25 dime pick? I guess the 25 dimer has a slightly higher winning percentage. I have been at this for 28 years and I wouldn't have a clue how to make such a determination.

Since picking a pointspread winner is basically a 50-50 probability for anyone with no knowledge at all, the odds are that this capper can post a winning percentage in some of the numerous categories over the short term. For example, this capper could be touting 4 wins in last 5 plays with 15 unit plays in college football, 6 wins in last 8 plays for 10 unit plays in pro basketball, 2 wins in a row for 50 unit plays on the total in pro football, 4 winning days in last 6 days, 2 winning months in last 3 months, etc. In other words, it is really easy for a handicapper to "honestly" project a winning resume. The problem is that the capper's overall winning percentage for the season is nowhere to be found.

Don't fall victim to this practice. If a handicapper does not offer their season to date win loss record for a particular sport, the odds are the handicapper has a losing record. While the handicapper is not lying by just focusing on the winning categories, he or she is certainly not being totally honest and forthcoming. Such a practice is termed legal, but unethical. The scammer cappers really take advantage of this gray area.

Not all handicappers are guilty of this practice. If a bettor is considering paying a handicapper for pointspread plays, I strongly recommend that the bettor gets the season to date pointspread record for each particular sport that will be wagered on.

Remember, anybody can experience short term success in picking pointspread winners. Consistent winners are not defined as simply winning days, weeks or months. Consistent pointspread winners are defined as a winning season of plays.

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Wager Guidelines

There is no “lock” or “strongest play of the season” philosophy. Although some plays seem to have more factors in their favor, it is highly recommended that all the pointspread plays in Matchup Handicapping are of equal play strength. With a projected 54-58% winning clip, no play should be weighted more than another because there just isn't a large enough winning percentage disparity to warrant making some plays worth more than others.

Simply put, a play is a play or not a play. There is no gray area. There is just too much uncertainty when it comes to pointspreads given the ability of the linesmaker to consistently project neutral lines and the overall randomness of how any game may play out.

Since all knowledgeable cappers and bettors know it requires 52.38% pointspread winners to break even (at 10% juice) assuming that all the wagers are of equal amount, the Matchup Handicapping approach helps to overcome the vig and realistically places the cappers and bettors in a winning environment. Again, there are no guarantees in a winning percentage, but there is a realistic understanding that a 54-58% winning percentage over a season is both attainable and acceptable.

How should one wager? Any wise and disciplined money management approach requires a bankroll to begin the season. The bankroll amount is a lump sum of cash set aside in a separate account and is what the player can afford to lose without undermining or destabilizing the bettor’s livelihood. Think of it as strictly disposable income for investment or venture capital enterprises. The paramount question to ask of oneself is “can I afford to lose all this money?” If and only if the answer is yes, then you can start making wagers.

I recommend that all wagers during a season be 5% of the starting bankroll amount. For example, if the starting bankroll is $10,000, each wager should be $500. As stated elsewhere in this blog site, if the bettor wins about 56% of the bets over about 300 plays (about an NBA season), the bettor essentially doubles the starting bankroll.

Monday, November 10, 2008


The information provided on this site is not to be used in violation of any local, state, federal or international laws. This site does not make any guarantees regarding any winning percentages and bears absolutely no responsibility for any winnings or losings from legal or illegal wagering activities. There is no implied agreement whatsoever between me and the readers of this site.

No information on this site may be sold without my written consent.

The House Advantage

Matchup Handicapping for the NBA can provide cappers and bettors with a “house advantage” in picking NBA pointspread winners. Matchup Handicapping has proven over recent years to bang home NBA pointspread winners 54-58% of the time. Hopefully, this winning trend will continue. Now, many people may think this is too low of a winning percentage to be deemed worthy of praise, but I beg to differ.

The key to winning and maximizing profits with a "modest" winning percentage is to have a sufficient number of plays. Thus, Matchup Handicapping for the NBA was designed to achieve a modest winning percentage with a relatively high yield of plays. Furthermore, I maintain that a winning percentage of 54-58% over an NBA season of plays is the most realistic and optimistic expectation for cappers and bettors. If a handicapper or bettor is winning in the 54-58% range, there just isn’t a large enough winning percentage disparity to warrant making some plays worth more than others. Therefore, Matchup Handicapping recommends an equal 1 unit play per game for each and every game because it is not about short term winning, it is about winning seasons.

Matchup Handicapping generally offers about 10 to 15 NBA plays per week. A winning strategy would be to risk small wagers over a frequent number of plays. Consider an NBA betting season can produce about 300 plays and assume the winning percentage is 55.67% which would yield a 167 win and 133 loss pointspread ledger. If all plays or wagers were equal with a 10% juice, this would produce +20.7 units of profit for the season (34 gross wins - 13.3 for the vig deduction). If the bettor wagered an equal unit equal to 5% of the total bankroll for all 300 plays, the bettor essentially doubles the starting bankroll at season’s end. Voila, here we have a relatively low risk, high gain venture. How is your 401K and savings investments performing lately?

A low risk, high gain proposition is what the casinos enjoy. Why? Because they have factored the odds to provide them with a slight house advantage that almost guarantees their profit margins over the long haul. Sure they have losing days and make some large payouts to lucky gamblers, but the key to their profit mode is time. The longer everyone gambles, the more money casinos take in.

Think of a weighted coin that will flip the heads side up about 56% of the time. Would a bettor feel good betting the heads side up? You better believe it. With a 56% advantage, the proper wagering strategy would be to risk small amounts on many coin flips. Sure there will be losing streaks where tails are out-flipping the heads, but the 56% advantage should certainly provide a long term winning prospect. The absolute wrong strategy would be to risk large amounts at a time since a 56% advantage hardly qualifies as a can’t lose proposition. If the wagers are too high, a losing streak could wipe out the bankroll.

In summary, a house advantage is defined over a long term winning venture. Since a moderate winning percentage should experience a variety of winning and losing streaks, there is no guarantee on any specific time frame for posting a winning record. The goal of Matchup Handicapping for the NBA is to beat the pointspread 54-58% of the time over an NBA season. Wise and disciplined money management is essential in promoting a winning environment. There will be more to follow on this topic.

Why the NBA?

Long ago in a long forgotten place, I was busy handicapping the NFL when it suddenly dawned on me that the NFL season just doesn't have a sufficient number of games to present itself as a truly profitable venture. It was then that the NBA came a calling. 30 plus years later and after trying every handicapping angle and technique known to man, I am consistently nailing NBA pointspread winners with my Matchup Handicapping approach.

There is a very famous saying in golf: “drive for show, putt for dough.” Well, this saying is analogous to handicapping and wagering in the NFL and NBA. Because of the greater number of games in an NBA season compared to an NFL season (about 4 times the amount of plays), when it comes to handicapping and betting, I maintain the NFL is for show and the NBA is for dough. While the NFL is certainly the more popular betting venue, a bettor wins much more money with a winning NBA season compared to a winning NFL season. Of course, handicapping the NBA is a much more arduous task given there is a slate of games on almost every day of the NBA season and the NBA playoff season extends well into June.

The challenge of the NBA is my advantage because I invest the time and energy every day of the NBA season to consistently pick winners with Matchup Handicapping.