Monday, May 4, 2009

NBA Playoffs - Avoid Forcing the Action

The exciting part of the NBA playoffs is that each series is an elimination round. Every playoff game takes on meaning, since every loss finds a team one step closer to extinction. Having watched countless NBA playoff games, the level of play is highly energized as the teams are faced with the ultimate motivation of the do or die consequence.

Needless to say, NBA playoff fever spreads throughout the sports betting world. Since every game is large, I believe I am accurate in stating that there is a noticeable increase in the betting action during the playoff season. While this time is certainly exciting for any pro hoop fan, a large trap with far reaching tentacles is lurking around each and every contest. Cappers and bettors must fight off the temptation of having to play every “big” game. The need to show up for every big game is a sure-fire formula for losing precious amounts of the bankroll.

My NBA playoff handicapping philosophy is very simple: proceed with caution and pick the spots wisely. Think quality, not quantity. The game plan is to build the regular season ending bankroll, not to give it away. All gamblers should realize that many of the best bets are the ones that are never laid.